Stress Management
“Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future.”
- Deepak Chopra
Stress is with us all day, every day. Some stress is actually good for us. It enables us to function effectively, to have more ambition and drive to succeed. It is good in short bursts. However, the problem arises when our body and mind don’t get a break from being stressed.
Do You Experience Any of the Following?
Lack of appetite
Irritable/wound up/aggressive/angry
Loss of interest in anything
Unable to switch off
Feeling of impending doom
If you recognise any of these symptoms, then you may well be suffering from stress.
Stress can make us behave in all sorts of ways that are no good for our mental wellbeing. Often we stop recognising ourselves and dislike who we are becoming.
Examples of stress-related behaviours include (but are not limited to):
Snapping at people
Eating too much or too little
Biting nails
Smoking or drinking too much/more than usual
Wanting to cry often
Constantly worrying
Finding it hard to make decisions
Picking at your skin/scratching etc.
Lack of concentration
Feeling restless
Forgetting and/or losing things
Difficulty breathing
Bruxism (clenching jaw and grinding teeth)
Indigestion /heart burn
High blood pressure
Feeling sick/dizzy/fainting
Sexual problems (unable to enjoy /loss of interest)
Extreme tiredness
Chest pains
Nightmares and/or difficultly sleeping
Muscle tension
Blurred eyesight
Shallow breathing/hyperventilating
Example of Physical symptoms caused by stress:
How Can The Wellness Room Help?
The Wellness Room can offer expert advice and treatment for stress. Often stress triggers are difficult to make disappear but what we can change is our mindset - how we view and deal with outside factors.
I can work with you to realise WHAT is causing the stress in your life and find a way of dealing with it, letting go of what is possible to and living the life you want to lead, calmly, positively and happily.
Using different therapy techniques, together we can develop a quick and effective therapeutic programme to help you.
What To Expect
Counselling - talking therapy to find out how The Wellness Room can help you.
You will receive a copy of a relaxation recording after your final session, for continued work to take place.
Learn breathing and relaxation techniques.
Understand your stress triggers and how they affect you.
Change your mindset to deal effectively with stress and reduce the impact it has on your overall wellbeing.
How Many Sessions Will it Take?
Without knowing your individual requirements, it is impossible to answer that question. I recommend 4 or 6 sessions, depending on the issue and offer discounted packages. In some cases more or fewer sessions will be needed.
Ask for more details.
You can achieve anything that you set out to do.
Get in touch for a FREE initial 15 minute phone call to determine how The Wellness Room can help you.