Frequently Asked Questions
In this section, we aim to answer some of the main questions we have been asked about how we aim to help you.
If you have any further questions, please get in touch any time.
What is Blended Therapy?
Blended therapy is a unique approach tailored to your specific needs and requirements, using different therapeutic techniques, including hypnotherapy, talk therapy (counselling) and CBT tools, where needed.
We appreciate and respect that everyone is an individual, so your therapeutic experience should reflect that.
In your initial consultation, we will discuss the options available. Your treatment plan can evolve throughout the term of your course. You will always remain in control.
We are here to give you the tools to become the very best version of yourself.
What Does it Help With?
Blended therapy can help with almost any problem imaginable. From weight loss to stress and anxiety control and relationship problems, through to breaking bad habits, pain control, phobias, addiction and can even delve into past lives.
Mind Work uses our blended approach to allow you to change and move forward with your life in the most positive and effective way for you.
Hypnotherapy FAQS
We have found that most questions have related to hypnotherapy, so have answered the most commonly asked.
If you have any further questions, please ask us.
What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a relaxing altered state of awareness where your mind can remain clear and focused on a single thing. It is similar to daydreaming but in a controlled environment. Hypnosis can positively change behaviour and emotion more rapidly than many other forms of therapy.
What does hypnotherapy feel like?
It feels extremely relaxing and creates feelings of empowerment, motivation, confidence and general positivity. You feel and ARE completely in control and often find clarity and focus where maybe it wasn’t before. It is a heightened state of concentration in which you can pinpoint specific thoughts and feelings that will allow growth and change.
Will I be in control?
Yes you are in control at all times. In fact, you will feel more in control that you could probably have ever imagined .
Will I be unconscious or asleep during the session?
You will not be asleep or unconscious. You are able to have dialogue with the therapist during hypnosis and are completely aware and in control of what is happening and what you say throughout hypnosis.
Why do I have to be in an ‘altered state’?
Being in an ‘altered state’ is important so that the conscious mind (which acts as the barrier to the subconscious) can be bypassed, in order for change to occur. The subconscious is where all memories and behaviours are stored. By speaking directly to the subconscious, we are able to make changes that the critical conscious might have prevented.
Is it like stage hypnosis?
No. The client’s welfare is the sole focus of hypnotherapy and all sessions work to ensure the client’s issues are addressed and resolved. Again, you are completely in control of everything you say throughout the process.
Can anyone be hypnotised?
Yes. Everyone can be hypnotised if they want to be. It is completely safe and natural and in fact we all enter hypnosis in our daily lives without a therapist to aid.
What if I can’t go into trance?
Even being in a light hypnotic state of awareness is enough to achieve the desired outcome. All people will achieve a trance deep enough to allow the process to take place. It may only feel like you are a little relaxed and that is absolutely fine.
Will I remember anything afterwards?
You will remember everything unless the therapist has good reason to delay the recall for the benefit of the client. For example, if early memories of traumas, abuse or neglect come to the surface. Your subconscious is always looking out for you so you will remember only what you are ready to remember.