What is hypnotherapy?
Hypnosis is a completely safe and common state to be in. In fact, we all enter hypnosis every day. For example, when you are almost asleep at night but still aware of what is going on, that is hypnosis. Or, if you are driving on a motorway on autopilot and suddenly realise that you have driven almost 30 miles. That, too, was a hypnotic state.
All of our memories, habits, phobias and feelings are stored in our subconscious minds. Sometimes the only way to access and to change those that aren’t helpful to our wellbeing is through hypnosis. The technique is completely safe and the results are often life-changing.
You are in control at all times. The hypnotherapist simply acts as a facilitator and guide so that you can achieve the most out of your session. It is a really relaxing and empowering state to be in.
There is nothing to worry about but if you do have any questions or would like anything clarified, please do get in touch.