Why Do We Not Smile Anymore?
I went for a walk near to where I live a few days ago, as is permitted during Lockdown. There were a number of other people that I passed on my way, either walking dogs, with their partner or, like myself, walking alone. As is in my nature, I automatically smiled at each person that I passed. However, each and every time, I was greeted with either a scowl, someone looking the other way, or, in a couple of cases, a sheepish and very much forced wry smile in return. I started to question whether I had put make-up on just one side of my face or if I’d used blue eye shadow instead of blusher (after looking at myself through my phone’s camera, I soon discounted these fears). Why was nobody smiling back?
It got me thinking. In fact, it occurred to me that during this pandemic I have noticed fewer people seem to be smiling and engaging in my fleeting small-talk than in pre-pandemic times.
Why is this?
Are we all running scared? Concerned that even beyond a 2m distance, a smile or a quick ‘good morning/afternoon’ could enhance ones chances of contracting Covid 19? Or are people just becoming more and more insular? Is the media scaring us into a lonely submission?
Whilst questioning this, my mind flashed back to an incident that happened some 20 odd years ago, when I was walking down a quiet street and passed a lady. As has always been my way, I smiled at her, thinking nothing of it. However, unusually, she stopped me from walking on and actually said thank you! In fact, her exact words were ‘Your smile has just made my day. I have been alone at home, ill for the past couple of weeks and this is my first time out. I’ve been feeling really upset and lonely and only just made myself leave the house today. Your smile was the first friendly face I have seen in a while and I am so grateful for it’.
Well. That has stayed with me for all these years, as I am sure you can imagine. It was a stark reminder of the importance of a small gesture, such as a smile, that can appear to mean so little. It takes such a small amount energy and yet can have such a profound effect.
It is a scary time at the moment and more and more of us are being forced into loneliness through no fault of our own. With so much negativity surrounding us, it is understandable why we would start shying away from others, especially those we do not know (are they carrying something we don’t want?).
That negativity can only grow if we allow it to. Of course we are in the middle of a global pandemic and we all need to be extremely careful not to contract and spread the virus.
However, maybe when you go for your daily exercise, walk, or whatever you choose to do, remember the importance of acknowledging those you pass on the way. They are suffering too and it can only enhance their day if they receive even a simple smile from you. Also, the more you smile at others, it is proven that you will feel the benefit too and actually start to feel happier yourself. What’s not to smile about?